Wir veranstalten regelmäßig Talks, Vorlesungen und Vorträge zu aktuellen Zukunftsthemen. Die Veranstaltungen sind offen für alle Studierenden und Mitarbeiter:innen der HS Nordhausen. Je nach Veranstaltungen können auch Externe teilnehmen.
& Posts
Auf unseren Social Media Kanälen Instagram und LinkedIn, sowie in unserer Slack Community versorgen wir unsere Follower mit News, Updates und Eventterminen.
Im Zentrum unserer Mission steht unser Beratungsangebot für Ideeninhaber:innen und künftige Gründer:innen. Mehr dazu erfährst du im Menüpunkt Programme.
Unsere Mentoren und unser Netzwerk sind unser wichtigster Kontakt zur Außenwelt und ein bedeutendes Bindeglied.
Sie unterstützen unsere Gründer:innen, geben Feedback und geben auf unseren Veranstaltungen wichtige Inputs.
Wir nehmen euch mit zu anderen Firmen, Start-Ups, Events, Museen und Co. So könnt ihr Inspiration sammeln, den Horizont erweitern und einfach eine gute Zeit haben.
Unser Hikeathon bringt Studierende und Unternehmen zusammen. Mit Design-Thinking lösen wir unternehmensbezogene Herausforderungen in 1–2 Tagen.
In Challenges und Wettbewerben könnt ihr Herausforderungen lösen, neue Methoden kennenlernen und sogar den Grundstein für Geschäftsideen legen. Wir veranstalten sowohl eigene Challenges wie den Hikeathon und ermöglichen euch Zugang zu externen Challenges z.B. vom MIT.
In unseren Toolboxen kannst Du durch die Tipps und Methoden stöbern. Kostenlos und unverbindlich! Wie wärs mal mit einer Session AEIOU für die nächste Hausarbeit?
The hike Focus
hike offers a comprehensive range of events, programs and activities that revolve around the goals GET INSPIRED; EDUCATE, CREATE and IMPACT.
hike inspires by opening up new angles and perspectives through talks with exciting speakers, articles and excursions. Lectures and the method toolbox.
hike teaches methods and tools in workshops, lectures, seminars and the method toolbox.
hike provides practical support in the creation of prototypes and business models in various programs such as the HIKEathons, the Prototyping Challenge or the Incubation Program and provides important materials for this purpose.
hike creates impact - at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences and beyond.
We would like to promote the start-up interest and the concrete start-up intentions of students as well as the probability of success of innovative start-ups at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences. This is to be achieved by embedding our offer in everyday campus life and achieving a high degree of maturity/validity of the ideas. We support the participating teams via a structured incubation program, working together with (supra-)regional partners.
We also aim to establish a sustainable program and permanent infrastructure on campus to support start-ups at the university indefinitely.


Prof. Dr.
Lutz Göcke
Professor for digital

Prof. Dr.
Klaus-Peter Neitzke
Prof. for Automation Systems

Kareen Schlangen
Teaching Marketing and Innovation
Our team supports and advises you with know-how for your start-up project.
Thomas Herwig
Lab Operations Manager
Thomas makes sure that everything runs smoothly in the project and makes sure that HIKE is known in the region. Thomas graduated from the University of Cooperative Education in Heidenheim with a degree in Social Pedagogy (B.A.). He also studied Mediation at the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt and E-Business Management at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Thomas has already been involved in various projects in the region, including developing his own digital innovation, which he still likes to tinker with today.

Christian Zoll
Venture Developer
Christian will coordinate you through the incubation program. He supports you in analyzing the market and competition and works with you to develop a scalable business model. After his bachelor's degree in industrial engineering, Christian completed his master's degree in innovation and change management at HS Nordhausen.
In addition, he worked on various projects in product management and further developed the corporate incubator at Kärcher.

Jonas Mielke
Jonas will develop your prototype with you. He studied mechatronics at the TU Dresden and graduated with a degree in engineering. Before Jonas joined us, he worked as a research assistant at the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in the fields of Industry 4.0 and IoT in Magdeburg and then worked at a local software company in the field of digitalization at the interface between customers and developers.

Nina Eberhard
Design & Marketing
Nina supports you with questions about design, usability and marketing. After studying product design at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, she worked for Eric Degenhardt Industrial Design in Cologne and was involved in projects for companies such as Lamy, Siedle and BASF. She also works as a freelance designer.