Who we are....
and how we support your project
HIKE is the university incubator of Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences. We are a facility funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and are open to all departments at the university. We are your contact when it concerns you.
We are a facility funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and are open to all departments at the university.
We are your point of contact when it comes to innovation and starting up. Our goal is to support you in developing ideas into a sustainable business model. We also advise you on individual project phases such as market research, design, prototyping, business planning and lots more.

Fundings of up to 7500 € for training, material, prototypes, software, tests, etc. helps you to realise your project without using your equity.

The HIKE team, with expertise in business, engineering and design, is always available to you.

Our network of partners and mentors from research, industry and social institutions will support and assist you.

With our equipment and machines (3d printer, laser cutter, CNC, camera, etc.) you can quickly and easily turn your idea into reality.
Leave us a message, call us, come by or meet us online. We look forward to learning more about you and your issues.
Hochschule Nordhausen
Weinberghof 4
Haus 8, Raum 8.0106 b/c
99734 Nordhausen
+49 3631 420-752
Tuesdays 13:30-14:00
„Warum sollte ich teilnehmen?“/ "Why should I participate?""Wir möchten Euren Ideen die Chance geben zu wachsen. Dafür bieten wir einen sicheren und risikofreien Rahmen in dem es möglich ist herauszufinden ob eine Idee zum Geschäftsmodell taugt. Außerdem kannst Du innerhalb dieses Prozesses eine Menge lernen und herausfinden ob Gründen das richtige für Dich ist. We want to give your ideas the chance to grow. For this, we offer a safe and risk-free framework in which it is possible to find out whether an idea is suitable for a business model. Furthermore, you can learn a lot during this process and find out if founding is the right thing for you.
"Gründen und Start-Up; das klingt riskant."/ "Founding and start-up; that sounds risky.""Klar. Ist es im Grunde auch. Bei uns geht es jedoch darum Deine Idee zu testen und so Risiken möglichst gering zu halten. Für Dich entstehen im Prozess weder Kosten noch finanzielle Verpflichtungen. Sure. Basically, it is. However, our aim is to offer a safe space where you can test your idea and thus keep the risks as low as possible. There are no costs or financial obligations for you in the process.
"Gründen ist für mich momentan kein Thema." / "Founding is not an issue for me at the moment.""Kein Problem. Unser Angebot umfasst auch Unterstützungen ohne primäre Gründungsabsicht. Wir unterstützen Dich zum Beispiel auch bei der Realisierung eines physischen oder virtuellen Protoypens, sowie bei der Ideenfindung No problem. Our offer also includes support without the primary intention of founding a company. For example, we also support you in the realisation of a physical or virtual prototype, as well as in finding ideas and many other tasks.
"Muss ich Erfahrungen mitbringen?" / "Do I need to have any experience?""Nein. Wir unterstützen Dich und helfen Dir die nötigen Kompetenzen aufzubauen. Wenn Du schon Erfahrungen mitbringst, ist das jedoch auch kein Nachteil. No. We support you and help you build up the necessary skills. However, if you already have experience, this is not a disadvantage.
„Ist das Angebot von HIKE kostenpflichtig?“ / "Are there any costs for me associated with HIKE's services?""Nein. Unser Angebot ist völlig kostenlos. Wir werden vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) unterstützt. No. Our offer is completely free of charge. We are supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
"Was sind die Vorraussetzungen um mitzumachen?" / "What are the requirements to join?""Wenn Du an der Hochschule Nordhauen studierst oder arbeitest und eine innovative Idee hast ist das schon mal die halbe Miete. Der Rest ist Zeit die du investierst um Deine Idee auszuarbeiten. If you study or work at the Hochschule Nordhauen and have an innovative idea, that's half the battle. The rest is the time you invest in developing your idea.
"Is your offer aimed at teams or individuals?" / "Are your offers addressed to teams or individuals?"Both and. We recommend a team size of 2-4 people. But even if you are alone or you are part of a larger team, this is not an obstacle. If you are alone and want a partner who complements your skills, we will be happy to help you with your search. Both. We recommend a team size of 2-4 people. But even if you are alone or a larger team, this is no obstacle. If you are alone and would like to have a partner to complement your skills, we will be happy to help you find one.
"Kann ich mitten im Projekt aussteigen?" / "Can I exit in the middle of the project?""Du merkst plötzlich Gründen oder Deine Idee ist doch nicht das Richtige? Kein Problem, Du kannst jederzeit die Reissleine ziehen. Wir sind ein Ort an dem man sich und seine Ideen ausprobieren soll und scheitern gehört dazu. Aber lass uns doch erstmal optimistisch bleiben :) You suddenly realise that setting up a business or your idea isn't the right thing after all? No problem, you can quit at any time. We are a place where you can try out your ideas and failure is part of it. But let's stay optimistic at first :)